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Spencer is where General Aviation Lands

Poly-Fiber 2 Wings - 26' Span x 4.5' Chord Kit

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Availability: In stock

From: $25.13

To: $3,059.80

Price as configured: $0.00

Quick Overview

Everything you need to cover and paint the two wings with the Poly-Fiber System.

The factory estimated quantities have been preselected and rounded up to the nearest gallon for your aircraft from the Poly-Fiber Manual. If you don't already have one, you will need a copy of the Poly-Fiber Manual because it contains the STC for installing the Poly-Fiber System on a type certificated aircraft.

Per the manual:
These estimates are furnished as a service to assist in selecting quantities of basic materials. If your aircraft is not listed, use the numbers for the most similar aircraft and you'll get a close approximation of quantities. Final determination of quantities is the option of the customer.

Notes on reducer:
1) There are 2 types of reducer for Poly-Fiber. R65-75 is the standard reducer used when spraying in ambient temperatures below 85 degrees Fahrenheit. RR-8500 should be selected when you are applying in ambient temperatures above 85 degrees.
2) Reducer is listed twice on this materials list. If you are electing NOT to purchase a top coat, select "None" for "Poly-Fiber Reducer For Poly-Tone" near the bottom of the list.

Poly-Fiber 2 Wings - 26' Span x 4.5' Chord Kit

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Everything you need to cover and paint the two wings with the Poly-Fiber System

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