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FP-923 - Met-L-Chek - Fluorescent Penetrant - 16oz Aerosol Can

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FP923 - Fluorescent Penetrant per ASTM E-165 & ASTM E-1417; Type 1, Methods A & C, Level 3 - Aerosol

FP-923 - Met-L-Chek - Fluorescent Penetrant - 16oz Aerosol Can

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FP-923 is approved to AMS-2644E as a fluorescent (Type 1); Methods “A”, and “C”; sensitivity level 3 water washable inspection penetrant. For Method “C” applications it is used with E-59, E-59A, R-503, and R-504. FP-923 is applied by immersion, spray, or wipe on. It is approved for high sensitivity aerospace applications. FP-923 is listed on the Qualified Products List for AMS-2644E. It meets the requirements of AMS- 2647C, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASTM E-165, and ASTM E-1417, and for pen- etrant inspection materials. It is low in sulfur and halogens and is safe for use on all metal surfaces.

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